10 Best Facebook tips

Best Facebook Tips we offer you Facebook Tips & Tricks daily. In this post we list the best tips for 2013. Read the tips below.

1.  Flip your status update - Surprise your friends by posting a flipped status update (text upside down). Visit upsidedowntext.com , write your text update there and copy-paste it to Facebook.

2.   Send SMS through Facebook - Use ChatSMS to send free SMS to your friends anywhere in the world.

3.   Remove Facebook advertisements - You can easily remove Facebook ads with Greasemonkey and Facebook: Cleaner.

4.  See private Facebook picture in full size - If you want to see a Timeline's profile picture in full size read this post.

5.  Find who deleted or unfriended you on Facebook - Ever wondered why the number of your friends has changed? The app who.deleted.me has the answer.

6.  Have secret friends on Facebook - If you want to add a friend on Facebook and communicate with him secretly follow this guide.

7.  Hide status updates from selected friends - Hiding status updates from certain people on Facebook made easy with this tip.

8.  Disable Seen Option in chat - With the Unseen add-on for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome you can disable the Seen Option in your Facebook chat.

9.  Download videos from Facebook - With downfacebook.com you can easily download Facebook videos to your Hard Drive.

10.   Permanently delete Facebook Account - If you ultimately want to delete your Facebook account, simply go to Facebook Delete Account Page and start the process. Just keep in mind that you shouldn't login to your profile for 14 days. Hopefully, after your account deletion Facebook will get rid of your private information and personal details...

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9 October 2013 at 04:55 delete

Hey man, nice blog and stuff but you tottally ripped my post on www.bestfacebooktips.blogspot.com off. The link is this. At least have the decency to add a link to my post or the homepage of my blog. And remember you shouldn't copy without source and you always should try to add your own things to a post, in order to be unique and rank better.
